Shigatse Hotels - Top Accommodation in Shigatse for 2025/2026

Without any luxury hotels at present, Shigatse is unable to compare with other big developed cities in China. However, it is unnecessary to worry about the accommodations at all. As the second largest city in Tibet, Shigatse city provides tourists a wide range of choices in accommodation as well, including starred hotels from 3 or 4 star ones. Most of them are located near Tashilhunpo Monastery - the top attraction in Shigatse city and offer reasonably good accommodations and facilities.

Apart from the city tour in Shigatse, many tourists will enjoy the world's most magnificent peak in Everest and explore the history of Tibet in Gyantse. If you have a short stay in Everest and Gyantse, learn more accommodation information at Everest Hotels and Gyantse Hotels.

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